Sunday, November 04, 2007

Rebecca and Richard

A few months ago, my friend and fellow photographer Dawn Sparks called to inform me that she was expecting. She and her husband Noy have two beautiful daughters that I have had the pleasure to photograph. This time they were expecting a boy and he was due to arrive on November 3, the same day she had a wedding scheduled. She asked me if I was open and could cover it for her, and of course I did.

Rebecca and Richard were totally understanding, and we had the chance to meet a couple of days before their wedding. What an easy going and great couple! Their wedding ceremony was at the St Elizabeth's of Hungary Catholic church on the Auraria campus, a church I have photographed in several times. We had a bit of time before their reception began at the Magnolia Hotel Ballroom, so we all piled in the limo and took some photographs around downtown Denver.

Rebecca, pretty as a picture,
and her husband to be within an hour or so, Richard.

A dance on 17th Street to end the evening!

This just in.... Julian Taylor Sparks made his way into the world on Thursday November 1st at 10:41 pm , weighing 8lbs 3 oz. He's healthy and beautiful according to his mom! Congratulations to Dawn, her husband Noy, and Julian's big sisters!


Unknown said...

The pictures look amazing. We had so much fun, and we are excited to see them all.

Kevin Von Qualen said...

Hey man, I finally get your blog RSS'd and you haven't updated it! :)

Just kidding, I haven't updated mine in months actually...

Nice getting to chat with you the other week.