I'll start off today's post with a picture of Louise and Sean. This was just after they saw each other for the first time.

Here's how you get 10 people in a minivan. Jesse drew the short straw!

Saddled up and ready to go!

This was the shallow river crossing. I didn't dare try to photograph going through the next one, which was quite deep... and I'm carrying $10,000 in cameras. That was a bit stressful!

We stopped for breakfast on the way up and lunch on the way down.

Everyone told me the climb to the top was the most terrifying part. Very slippery.

3 sisters; Louise, Jesse, and Frances

On the ride back down, the horses, without warning, would decide at random times to get after it and you found yourself holding on for dear life!

This day also happened to be Frances birthday! We celebrated it on the water at sunset.

Her brother in law and a few of the guys surprised her with a little something.

The birthday girl with her two sisters.

The next day while many went scuba diving, my wife and I spent the day doing absolutely nothing, which was wonderful. I sprawled out in the hammock listening to my ipod while my wife read a book. When everyone returned around 4:00, we headed over to the beach to check out the location for the ceremony. Tune in tomorrow for day three.
1 comment:
Love the action photos of the ladies leaping off the waterfall cliff! For the record, my youngest, more cautious sister actually did a FRONT FLIP off that same cliff. Go Jesse!!
Travis ROCKS for his spectacular photography from the saddle of a jungle horse!
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