Friday, February 15, 2008

New Post!

I know I've been slacking with posting on my blog. You would think that there has been nothing going on since my last post on January the first. Well, it's been nose to the grindstone the last 6 weeks getting album layouts done, meeting with potential clients, attending Imaging USA, shoveling snow, closing down last year, shoveling more snow, and last week, hanging out in Costa Rica and photographing fellow photographer and great friend, Frances Marron's sister Louise and her husband Shawn's wedding.

So, starting tomorrow or Sunday at the latest, I'll post a series of blog entries on the fabulous week that was. Including the horseback ride, waterfall diving, birthday cruise, zipline rides, car crash, missing husband, and oh yeah, the intimate beach wedding!

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Travis, you and Pat are absolute troopers! I was just checking your blog to see how you were going to explain this amazing ride we just took together... but alas, I will have to figure out how to tell the story myself! :-) Thanks for everything you did for me, my family, and most of all, my beautiful sister!!! I love you and I can't wait to see all the photos!